Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Flesh and Stone

Today will probably be very less a review than just a random string of speculations. I won't lie I enjoyed the episode. It just was not what I was expecting or hoping for. For starters the Angels were very suddenly relegated to back ground noise. For the most part some of the more action packed, tense or Angel orientated scenes had mostly been spoiled by the 'next time' trailer last week. Which of course was rather peculiar seeing as it was a two-parter. Maybe that was what the Graham Norton cartoon was for, to distract from the spoilers they decided to attach. I did anticipate a lot more about Amy and her peril. This was good and reasonably well realised. The rest of the episode pretty much threw me through a loop.

Lets start with the crack. Am I the only one who thinks it is slightly early in the series to be discussing these openly? Or is it that we have only been given a few more clues. It did feel like there were one too many revelations about the crack though. I was not anticipating them this early on, especially not during the climax of the Angels episode. The crack itself didn't make a great deal of sense at this point. Mostly because of what was explained about it, how it was used etc. I thought that it didn't fit with what had happened thus far int the episodes. Mostly how the crack was closed by the Doctor in the Eleventh Hour and then just popped up occasionally afterwards. Then all of a sudden it requires a sacrifice.

More un-clues to River Song in this episode as well. These I did enjoy but mostly as a fan of River. Though it still feels like Moffat is just aiming at misdirection. "Oh she is the wife - oh she can't be," has turned into "She is going to kill the Doctor." Though I personally think this is impossible as Future Professor River Song flatly tells that she did not take the Screwdriver from his cold dead hands. Though she herself implies she kills him in this episode. Surely in the Library she would of given something slightly away?

The ending with Amy was, well it was hilarious, being shot down by him so bluntly but so humorously. This may be the first time in ages the Sexual tension is not reciprocated by the Doctor. Which works, I don't like him loving his companions, it's too cliche and boring. So this works better when he does not feel that way back. Also it seems that Rory will be joining them, so multi-companion stories are back in. Though I just hope it is not a recycle of the Rose/Mickey stories. Here is hoping.

Either way it was an enjoyable enough episode, just not what I was expecting. It feels too early for revelations.

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